Project Language.

{api-name} is unique and used for:


  • Bitbucket repository name {api-name}
  • Repository is created in hsfdevelopment area hsfdevelopment/{api-name}


  • Terraform workspace name {api-name}-az-hsfglobal

Azure resources (created after making first commit to main)

  • Resource group rg-{api-name}
  • App service app-{api-name}
  • Application insights appi-{api-name}
  • App service plan plan-{api-name}
  • Storage account st{api-name}
  • Storage container sc{api-name}-test-reports
  • API management API (creates API) apim-{api-name}
  • API management backend (backend for API) apimbk{api-name}
  • API's are added to existing Global API Management service hsf-app-api
All Azure resources are created in this location with the exception of Global API Management service hsf-app-api.
API operation/controllers (get, put, post, etc) is prefixed to {apipath} Eg:{apipath}/{controller-name}

  • Provision API will take approximately 3 minutes
  • This wizard ONLY creates system API’s and doesn’t include a version. Both have to be manually updated afterwards.
  • Contact DPE Team for tidyup